How to Cure Acne Scars Naturally
Now the question in your mind is 'how to cure acne scars at home'. Natural products are always safe for skin, although it might take some time to show the results. Before applying the ingredients you should know your skin type, as the remedies are specific for a particular skin type. The results may vary accordingly. Choose one from the home remedies for acne scars, that suits your skin the best.
Ice Cubes: Try this acne scar treatment as it works on all skin types. You need to crush some ice and rub your face with it. It's a wonderful skin therapy, that closes open pores on skin and gradually removes acne marks.
Sandalwood Paste: Sandalwood is known for its age old benefits on skin. Combine pure dust of sandalwood with rose water and turmeric and make a smooth paste. Apply the paste smoothly all over the scars. It's unique antiseptic property helps to eliminate scars quickly. Apply overnight and remove the paste in the morning. Rinse with cold water.
Lemon Juice: How to cure acne scars with lemon juice? This remedy is for dry skin. Mix fresh lime lime juice with coconut oil. Dip cotton balls in the solution and wipe your face. Rub thrice a day to feel the visible difference. Lime juice foracne scar removal should not be applied on face unless diluted or mixed.
Tomato Juice: One of the best natural acne cure is applying tomato juice on the scars blended with condensed milk powder. Tomato juice contains cleansing enzymes, that efface the spots quickly. Mixing with milk powder makes the skin smooth. The ruddy marks disappear if mixed with cucumber juice.
Lentils: Application of lentil paste is one of the best natural ways to cure acne scars. Soak the lentils overnight and make a smooth paste the next day. Mix a paste with honey. Apply the mask all over the face with a brush, everyday. Leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Apply ice packs for sometime to get better results.
Olive Oil: Massaging olive oil all over face not only removes scars but also makes in glowing. Mix equal amount of olive oil with honey and massage all over face with gentle movements. You can also apply the same combination if you have acne scars on your body. It's also an useful measure of acne control.

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