Sunday, August 25, 2013

Beginning Yoga Routine

The inception of yoga was about 5000 - 10,000 years ago, where the teachings of this age old practice trace its roots from India, to now the west and other countries worldwide. People everywhere are becoming aware of the practice of yoga and what it can do for the mind and body. I myself plan to enroll in one of those yoga classes, that I've been putting off forever. It's time you also decided to either take up a yoga routine at home, or do some research in getting into a class with other like minded individuals. Here you'll discover the benefits of yoga and basic yoga routines to merge into your day-to-day activities when beginning yoga routine.

Yoga Routine for Beginners

'Asana' which is a term used in yoga, means having to put your body in a certain position, to improve your flexibility and verve and it also allows you to meditate over a prolonged period of time. The benefits of yoga are aplenty, and consist of the following.

  • It decreases anxiety and stress levels. Read about stress relief yoga.
  • Improves one's strength and overall balance.
  • It aids those with asthma problems and those suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Helps those suffering from insomnia.
  • Improves physical health in older people.
  • Makes labor easier for women during childbirth. Know about yoga during pregnancy.
  • Eliminates problems like lower back pain and makes one flexible. Read about the yoga exercises for back pain.
  • Improves one's diabetic condition.
There are some guidelines that must be kept in mind, during the yoga routine for beginners. Make sure you go by them before and during beginning yoga routine.
  • Body parts when raised, like the head or one's heels, should always be lowered slowly and not abruptly.
  • There shouldn't be pressure applied when doing a yoga position, and the body must not tremble when holding these yoga poses. You need to be stationary and stable.
  • Breathing must be kept in check and regulated in normal relaxed breaths.
  • One's stomach should be empty, that is, you shouldn't consume any eatables or drinks before you perform yoga. The best thing to do is a morning yoga routine in that case.
Basic Yoga Routine

Beginner yoga routine starts with the basics of yoga, like keeping your breathing flow in check, that is, making sure you breathe through your nose into your abdomen area and distributing it on three levels between the abdomen and your chest area, and starting with a short yoga meditation routine and ending your yoga session with another brief meditation pose. It also includes some yoga exercises for beginners. Here are five yoga positions that you can try out at home, that will calm and relax you. You can also check out my yoga routine which is a featured yoga practitioner's write up.

Easy Pose
In this pose, you need to inhale and sit crossed legged with your body upright to lengthen your spine to its fullest. Rotate your shoulders and back to open up your chest area, relaxing your face muscles with your tongue touching the palate of your mouth. You must increase the time of inhalation and exhalation by taking deep breaths into your abdomen area, releasing any kind of distractions from your mind and focusing on your breathing. Breathe and hold this pose for about 10 - 30 breaths.

Crab Pose
In this pose bring your feet to rest on the floor, with your hips raised, and both your arms supporting your weight away from the floor. Inhale and lift you hips upward toward the ceiling, by applying pressure into your feet and moving your legs and buttocks. Lift yourself by applying force down into your arms. Either look up or drop your head backwards. Breathe and hold this pose for 1 - 4 breaths.

Bridge Pose
Lie down in a flat position with both arms straight down your sides. Then lift your hips only, with your feet apart and toes pointed forward. Keep your hands straight out with your fingers brushing lightly against your heels. Inhale and lift your hips and spine by applying pressure into your feet and moving your lower and core body. Apply a slight force into your arms and shoulders to help in lifting your chest up. Breathe and hold this pose for 2 - 5 breaths.

Half Wind Relieving Pose
Join your fingers and wrap them around your left knee. Tuck your chin into your chest, with your head on the floor by pulling your knees into your chest and avoiding your left ribcage. Press your lower back, shoulders and the back of your neck into the floor and relax your legs while keeping your elbows close to either side of your body. Breathe and hold this pose for 2 - 5 breaths.

Shavasana Pose
This is a relaxation pose which always must be added to your end session when you're done with your yoga exercises. It is a pose of taking rest for about 5 - 15 minutes by lying flat on your back with your arms slightly outstretched at your sides, with your palms exposed.

When beginning yoga routine, it must be done properly, because there can be serious repercussions that the body will suffer. Make sure you take the help of someone you know practices yoga, or read extensively on the topic or get into yoga classes or even rent some DVDs that can help you with beginning yoga at home. I hope that with time, you can help change the functionality of your body and mind, by taking advantage of what yoga has to offer. Have fun and stay healthy.

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